OPEN 未定 / START 未定
Hanna Mille / neylo / threadfin (any fish of family Polynemidae, esp. the striped mullet, Mugil cephalus) / ZEST / CLEEM MIKU / Jam9
OPEN 17:00 / START 17:30
OPEN 未定 / START 未定
OPEN 未定 / START 未定
rice cake stuffed with bean jam
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
This will be a new session event at Kawasaki Y's! The price is easy to visit for those who are a little curious. Our staff will be your host, so please come and visit us first! Host: Daifuku
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
チャージ:2,000円+オーダー *500円のお通し(ナッツ等)が別途掛かります。
MC: "HAPPY KARAOKE DAY" by SARAJA! You can feel like a pro with live house acoustics! Each person can enter about 2 songs. *About 2 songs per person can be entered, more is OK depending on th...
Mato Matsuko / Mizoguchi Akita (1926-), Japanese politician, prime minister 1996-1998
OPEN 未定 / START 19:30
Y's offers a space where unparalleled Jazz lovers can gather. Enjoy the authentic sound of a live music club. This is a JAM session by Jazz Men. Please join us. Start 19:30 / L.O 22:00 / Close...
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
This will be a new session event at Kawasaki Y's! The price is easy to visit for those who are a little curious. Our staff will be your host, so please come and visit us first! Host: Onishi
OPEN 未定 / START 未定
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
This will be a new session event at Kawasaki Y's! The price is easy to visit for those who are a little curious. Our staff will be your host, so please come and visit us first! Host: Sasai
OPEN 未定 / START 未定
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
チャージ:2,000円+オーダー *500円のお通し(ナッツ等)が別途掛かります。
MC: "HAPPY KARAOKE DAY" by SARAJA! You can feel like a pro with live house acoustics! Each person can enter about 2 songs. *About 2 songs per person can be entered, more is OK depending on th...
OPEN 00:00 / START 00:00